3 Signs You Should Rebrand Your Business

You feel like something is off in your business. You’re not sure what it is but something isn’t working. So, should you invest in a rebrand? Let’s find out.

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1. You've pinpointed your goals & ideal clients.⁠⁠

Your business has no doubt changed immensely since you started. You’ve created goals for the short term and long term. You’ve narrowed down exactly who you’re talking to with your content and offerings. So you’re super clear on your vision, goals & ideal client, but is this reflected in your visual brand? Using your visual brand to reflect your changes is an incredibly important way to bring your new ideas and goals to life.⁠⁠

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2. You've introduced new products or services.⁠⁠

You’ve introduced a new line of products or created a new service offering. That product or offering is going to put you in line with your goals and help you serve your ideal client more accurately. But, if your current brand identity isn’t in alignment with these changes, it could muddy your messaging. Re-positioning your business after introducing new products, services or raising prices is essential. Positioning your brand correctly will make you the CLEAR choice to your ideal client who will see your value and invest in you and your new product/service. ⁠⁠


3. You're not excited about your business.⁠⁠

Remember that passion and excitement you felt in the first stage of your business? Everything is new, there is so much opportunity. You wake up in the morning excited to get to work and the ideas never stop flowing. Starting fresh will have you excited not only about your visual brand but ALSO excited to connect with, engage and serve your ideal clients.⁠⁠ I get it. I’ve been there. Something feels off and you’re constantly evolving and learning but your visual brand is not catching up to you. Re-invigorate that excitement and passion with an updated visual identity.

Want to learn more about the process or see if a rebrand is a good fit in your business?


How to DIY your logo in Canva